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Salman Ahad Khan is an audio journalist, graphic designer, and composer. 

I graduated magna cum laude from Georgetown University in Qatar in 2016 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Foreign Service and an undying love for audio.

Since then, I have worked for WNYC Studios, the atlantic, and Pushkin Industries on shows like more perfect, the experiment, revisionist history, a slight change of plans, and where there’s a will: finding shakespeare. My work has also aired on NPR’s all things considered, WNYC’s on the media and notes from america, On Air Fest, and In the Dark UK.

In December 2022, I completed a Master of Arts in Journalism, specializing in Audio Documentary, from the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York.

Alongside my interests in audio journalism, I'm also an experienced content strategist and designer. For Qatar Foundation, I led website content design, managed international media partnerships, and co-developed the organization’s podcasting, partnerships, and content strategy. I was the lead content designer and editor for the revamped Qatar Foundation website that earned a 2020 Webby Honoree for Best User Experience. I have also produced branded explainers with the new york times, vox, and harvard business review.

Before all this, I was preparing for a career in research and public policy and worked with the Center for International and Regional Studies, the Brookings Institute, the US Embassy in Qatar, Blue Rubicon, and Georgetown University in Qatar.